Monday, 23 June 2014

Another weekend gone and a new obsession

This weekend went in quickly. On Saturday I went to Trafalgar Square to West End Live where all the big west end shows were giving a sneak peak to their shows for FREE! Sadly I was a lazy bum and didn't get up early. So I didn't get in to watch it as planned. I decided to just wander around London and see where my feet took me. Saw loads of pretty architecture and gardens. Here's one of the photo's I snapped:

Before long I wondered into a really posh area and felt a little out of place. Quickly escaped via a tube station and headed on home. 

I have just started work on this pattern:

What a beauty! The pattern is offered free by Knit One Awe Some. I'm hoping to complete it for my little sis's birthday in a few weeks time. Better get busy since I've only done a few rows.

Now my new obsession - which isn't a very productive one - is Steam. The community where you can buy and play computer games. My oh my have I wasted some amount of hours recently playing games since I installed this. I have just finished a very pretty game called Child of Light, such pretty art-work in this one but the game gets a bit repetitive.

And since I have completed this I have now delved into a game called Always Sometimes Monsters. Does not capture the senses in looks but there is something about this game that holds me and has kept me engrossed for over six hours so far. With this new past-time it is starting to look unlikely that I will finish my crochet in time. Better start limiting my gaming time. 

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, and was hopefully a bit more productive than me!

One last video before I go! This is amazing, I can only hope to gain a glimmer of these guys sex appeal! How can people move like that!

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